Spare parts

MSE provides the spare parts you need to maintain your electron accelerator. We can manage this for you and advise you about the critical components for your Recommended Spare parts List (RSPL). MSE also has the ability to repair and recalibrate damaged spare parts for you.

We are able to provide commercial and custom made spare parts for all kinds of electron accelerators, especially for Dynamitron ®. The list below is non exhaustive, contact us with your requirements.

We can also review with you, your recommended spare part list (RSPL) and help with the most critical parts based on their lead time and their price. Do not hesitate to contact us for a quote.

Our engineers are constantly looking for replacement parts to face obsolescence of existing components. Recently, we have found a replacement part for the 150kW power supply’s triode BW1601J2F. Instead of replacing the triode with another one having as a consequence the replacement of the filament transformer, the cooling of the triode, the startup circuit…., MSE has identified a replacement triode with the exact same specifications as the E2V BW1601J2F.
Also available : 75kW triode, 225kW triode, 375kW triode.