Products & upgrades
Using on our important field experience with electron accelerators, we know what is important for our customers. We have developed upgrades in order to improve safety, reliability and efficiency of your E-beam accelerator.
MSE is proposing upgrades to :
- Better manage and troubleshoot the accelerator by proposing a complete new control system with all the more up to date functionalities. Based on our important field experience, we know what needs to be implemented in order to speed up the troubleshooting and reduce the downtime. Constant monitoring of the critical signals allows to predict potential future failings.
- Improve the safety of the maintenance technician by avoiding direct low and high voltage measurements. Being able to predict the future failing of the components by monitoring the important signals is a first step towards improving the efficiency of the equipment by having real time access to main Power supply cabinet signals.
- Reduce the downtime during maintenance or unexpected failures, by keeping the most vital systems like the vacuum powered up at all time.
- Avoid contamination of the insulation gas (SF6) by using a more efficient Gas Handling System. No more contact between pump oil and the insulation gas. The system is fully automated to avoid any human mistakes.

Control system
propose a complete up to date control system based on your
requirements. Hardware and software can be tailor-made to fulfill your
needs and to interface with your product processing system.

Scan amplifier
the electron beam is crucial. It gives the beam its curtain shape and
its correct size, ensuring striking the product efficiently at the
requisite speed.

Oscillator cabinet
a result of our important field experience, we have been able to
identify the shortcomings of existing systems so that today, we are in a
position to propose solutions which eliminate these weaknesses.

Gas handling system
is one of the gasses with the biggest global warming effect. Ensuring
proper manipulation and the longest life expectancy should be a
priority. Furthermore, contamination of the SF6 gas can lead to very
high production downtime.

electron accelerator has a vacuum chamber. The vacuum can be maintained
via a sealed tube or via pumping devices. Contamination of the vacuum
chamber or the beamline can lead to the longest production downtime.
That is why MSE has developed a fully automated vacuum control system
that can deal with every possible cause of failure.